Fug Madness 2013

The end stage of dissertation writing was one of the toughest periods of my life. One of the things that helped cheer me up was Go Fug Yourself, which was, at the time, a daily destination for me. For those who aren't familiar with it, Go Fug Yourself is a website run by Heather Cocks and Jessica Morgan (aka "The Fug Girls"), who wittily skewer celebrity fashion insanity. Having reached a new tough time (career transition, unemployment, blah, blah, blah), and given all of the Very Serious Thoughts I've been thinking* lately, I could use a little levity. So, this year, I'll be playing along with Fug Madness, which is like college basketball's March Madness**, but with terrible fashion choices.*** I've printed out my brackets, and I've set up the elliptical machine at my "desk" (aka my brother's kitchen table), so that I can make myself feel virtuous by getting some exercise while researching this year's fugticipants.**** Not ready to make my picks yet, but here are some initial thoughts on this year's fugetition*****:

The Cher Bracket - I'm hoping for a big year for Kat Graham, because it's got to get better than her current storyline on The Vampire Diaries.

The Bjork Bracket - Am I ready to be a Belieber?

The Charo Bracket - Rihanna's always the easy choice, but I think there's more interesting fug to be had in this division this year. I mean, Stella McCartney also designs most of the fug she wears.

The Madonna Bracket - As much as I'd like to find a reason to root for KStew, there's another K out there who wants this. Badly.

I'll post my bracket once I get it all filled in -- anyone interested in playing along should let me know in the comments of this post!

*You'll note I said "thinking," not "writing here on this blog."
**For those not aware of that either, March Madness is a nickname for the National Collegiate Athletic Association's annual single-elimination basketball championship tournament, which happens in March (mostly).

*** Not that college basketball is exempt from those.
****Just give up, spellcheck.
*****No, really -- give up, spellcheck.