"Heroic Humanism and Humanistic Heroism"

That's the name of my very first publication, which will be out very shortly. It's a super short, non-academic piece* I wrote for the upcoming PopMatters spotlight on Joss Whedon, in which I address things like, "What is humanism?" and "How lame is Fox?" and "Just how awesome was that episode where they gave her the umbrella, and why?" I'll obviously be talking more about both the thing I wrote and the other things coming out in the spotlight as it starts to happen (next month), but just thought I'd mention it, since it's part of the reason I am sleep deprived these days.

*When I say that it's non-academic, you should filter that through what you know about me. The website is not an academic one, and the piece I wrote is not the piece I'd have written for an academic thing. But it is called "Heroic Humanism and Humanistic Heroism" and it is written by me, and it  does include the phrase "she will repeatedly do so in ways that increasingly undermine the very separateness of her Slayerhood," so...